Reality Check India

A Dravidian-Tamil anti-Brahmin spin on Air India Pee-Gate

Posted in Uncategorized by realitycheck on January 8, 2023

Shankar Mishra a bank executive on a New York to Delhi Air India flight got drunk and unloaded his pee on a hapless 70 year old fellow lady passenger. He has been arrested and sent to 14 days judicial custody.

In the wake of this incident a massive storm is going on. A lot of the comment is valid such as the inexcusable action of airline staff insisting the passenger return to her own soiled seat while many seats were vacant.

However only the Tamil-Dravidian (claiming to represent all Non-Brahmin Tamils) exploited the incident and inserted the following hate into the discourse space.

Propaganda technique – turn a fact into a representative fact

Julius Streicher used to deploy this technique week after week to demonize a community. It is a very effective technique that is common in Tamilnadu to this day. If a Tamizh Brahmin commits a crime, a misdemeanor, or a foul act the Dravidian propaganda machine immediately kicks in and saturates the discourse space portraying the “look this is what the Tamizh Brahmins are like , we told you about them, this incident is representative .. I am only the messenger”. Non Brahmin elites like Suba Veerapandian, Karu Palaniappan, Dr Kantharaj Mudaliar would go to town on this. However the positives are spread out. No one will say for example Adayar Cancer Hospital Shantha is what brahmins are like. It is a masterful technique.

Consider this pee-gate incident – there may have well been be dozens of Brahmins on that flight or the poor 70-year old lady could also be a Brahmin herself who knows. This should be treated as irrelevant, but see now you are inside of the Dravidian-Tamil game? You are explaining yourself instead of the society rejecting the bigot off hand.

Now he is potent in that manner. You have to appease the person with the criminal passion or you are explaining why it must be appeased.

Leave poor Muttley alone (@notmuttley, @mformuttley)

Look I take no pleasure in isolating individuals like Muttley (notmuttley, mformuttley, tamizhmuttley) or PostModernAsura. However in addition to being persistent posters of Anti Brahmin content they appear to be either Doctors or Professors. How would this hate manifest in his/her classroom or surgery table ? There are going to be Sharmas and Mishras they have to interact with with their real identity but concealing their rage against them. We have testimony of a prominent Dravidian account @tamilgramsci narrating how a school teacher unloaded her rage on hapless brahmin students by making them study a vile anti Brahmin poem. This is a diseased sick society. What is amazing in Tamil sphere is all of this is happening in a Post Equity society.

Why not leave the propagandists alone and focus on the content of the propaganda ?

Opps, sorry. To the extent Dravidian ideology is little more than the saturation of public discourse space by continuous Anti-Brahmin propaganda , we have to recognize that propaganda is nothing without propagandists. We are at this point because we didnt focus on the Kuthoosi Gurusamy’s.

A 100% cleansed Tamilnadu politics of Brahmins owing to the ceaseless 100 year propaganda is not enough to appease the Dravidian or to calm them. He searches for new victories in other parts of India. To take down Tamizh Brahmins in the west. This is essential to keeping their own “Non Brahmin” identity from getting unpacked. The same “Non Brahmin” elites who for centuries have treated their own fellow lower caste Tamils as less than human.

But Sanghis do this to Muslims

A valid argument to the extent that ALL such demonization has to stop. I would condemn that too. However Dravidians use this merely as a pretext.

  • Why are you searching for pretexts
  • Are you Drav-Tamils really upset by Muslim demonization or merely exploiting it
  • Why dont you guys be better than the Sanghis??

You can see such insincere bad faith arguments all over the place.

Which is what attracts me to them.

More tweets

The real message is — If you are going to do this. Then they will do that. Look at PriyankaPaul a verified account. Twitter Court promotes such content but will ban instantly anything even mild on the other side. A society heading towards making @ArakkarPeriyar the new normal.

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  1. sanakhan7 said, on May 22, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    Thank you for this great news.

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