Reality Check India

What about standards ?

Posted in Uncategorized by realitycheck on April 12, 2006

Found on the internet :

Tamilnadu is the hotbed for IT pros. Clearly reservation has not lowered the standards, even at 69% level. SO why are some people making noise over standards ?

The comment seems to make sense doesnt it ? Today, Tamilnadu is hot in IT and even in medical tourism. People from all over India and the world come here to be treated by Tamil doctors.

SCratch the surface and you will find the flaw in this line of thinking. No community is great due to its genes – only regressive people support that view. Excluding one/two/three communities will do no noticable harm at all to the overall public standards.

This is because the OBCs are not synonymous with bad standards. WHy would it be ? They go to the best of the best schools. A vast majority of them have highly educated parents like doctors, lawyers, engineers. Many of the richest families including the Tamil Bill Gates are from OBC communities. Thy are hardworking intelligent resourceful and most of all wealthy (at least a critical mass of them are). The main point is however, there is no stigma associated with these communities. That is the main difference between the SC/ST and the OBCs.

To be continued..

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  1. murali said, on June 17, 2006 at 6:59 pm

    sir,very true words

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